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Student Media

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4400 University Drive, MSN 2C5
Fairfax, VA 22030



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Saahil Iyer Editor-in-Chief
Mariam Qureshi Assistant Editor
Minh Vu Web/Graphics Director

4 Replies to “Contact Us”

  1. Hello,

    Some people have been asking at OSCAR about GMReview, including whether it is still active. I see the 2019-2020 volume is published, but not the 2020-2021. The submission page says the submissions are for 2020-2021, but I think that deadline should have already passed.

    Could you let me know whether you are planning to publish soon? One person who had a paper accepted was wondering when it would be published.

    Thank you for whatever information you can give me.

  2. Hi Karen,
    The GMR review is currently accepting submissions for the 2021-2022 edition. We’ll update the page.

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